The Trio...

Jess, Ken, Vannah
Savannah, Kendra, and I wanted to have a girls night out before Kendra and her husband move back to Logan for school on Friday. So we met at Town Square in Vegas and ate at CPK (California Pizza Kitchen). While we were eating we decided that we wanted to go to the movies. We all agreed to see Mama Mia (I've seen it twice already and LOVE it!) but it was starting in 10 minutes! So we hurry and paid for our food and headed towards the theater... we had to stop at Yogurtland for some frozen yogurt, because no matter what kind of hurry you are in, there is always time for that, so we got our yogurt with a lid on it, stuffed it in our purses so we could sneak it in the theater and were walking as fast as we can (in heels, of course) to the theater. We finally get there about 15 minutes late and they said "that showing of Mama Mia was cancelled"! I said "are you kidding?? we just rushed to get here, how can you just cancel it?" (I kinda turned on the brattiness) so he called the manager and we ended up getting to see another movie at no cost! Sometimes it pays to raise a fuss! So we watched Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants II. It was pretty good... lot's of drama, but it was a good, girl movie. I'm gonna miss Ken but at least I still have Savannah.


Skyler and Katie said...

You have to go to google and type in picasa. You can download it for free. Then all your pictures will automatically download to that program and you can do all sorts of things with your pictures and there is a thing that says blog this and it will automatically go to your blog. I hope that made sense. Are you coming up anytime soon? We need to hang out, its been awhile.

Trisha said...

Oh how fun to have a girls night out.. I need one of those!! No WE need one of those ha ha.. Glad you had fun.... Have fun this weekend I know you will...

Kendra Askeroth said...

Jessica, My braces are putting spaces in my teeth allowing me to look like a weird 8 year old or something in that picture. Ha Ha That was so cute what you wrote! I had so much fun with you two. Mama Mia was way fun! I wanted to sit by you but my mom has this thing with sitting on the sides close to the front ha. Love you!

Lauren said...

HEY! Next girls night I have to be in on! You guys have so much fun. I loved Mama Mia too! It was so funny to hear some of the guys sing - Pierce Bronson!!!
Anyway I went to Kendra's blog - is it for her or her work? I'm scared to comment on her news!